Help please! Looking for a post about a violet

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2011
I go through the pages of chin chat during boredom at work

I saw a post in which I accidentally closed the page to =(

It was about a person who went to a chin show and on purposely did not bring a emPty cage so that she/he would be discouraged in buying another chin
I think the person stated , at the time, they already had two

When this person was there s/he spotted a violet chin
White tummy browny charcoal ish top coat
Couldn't leav with out it
And on the same day s/he also won a door?raffle? Prize which was a travel cage

And the person thought this chin and them was meant to be

I had wanted to ask the user who the breeder was and wanted to save the pics of the cutie
Attached in the post was 3 pictures of the chin, one was of it in a tube and a picture of the temporary cage
Yes!! Oh he is sooooo adorable!

Thank you so much!!
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