Help my chin boy PLEASE!!

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I have a male chinchilla and he had fur ring several days ago. I didn't pay enough attention and was thinking of that he acted a little weird like cleaning his private area a lot. Until he became very in active, lossing appetite and dripping urine. I realized that was a serious case!! Therefore I learned to take his fur ring off after what happened.

Right now his penis looks normal. However, he still has no appetite yet plus his dripping urine is still occured. I wonder why he still is struggling with peeing and no wishes to eat? Isn't that he feeling painfulness? Please help me!! I am a newbie owner but I do love my chin very much!! I hate to see he acts differently than before. He was a little happy boy.

I tried to make an appointment with a vet around my home. But the earliest appointment will be till next Tue.

Thank you very much to these whoever are trying to help me. My boy and I appreciate you a lot!!!
He may have a urinary tract infection going on. I would call your vet back and request an appointment sooner. Tell them it is an emergency as he is lethargic and not eating.

Right now you need to start force feeding him critical care. Don't wait for your appt to start.

I don't have as much experience as many on the forum, and I am sure others on the forum will help. He does seem to be in pain and may have urinal infection. I would explain the situation and concern for you vet and pressure for a quick appointement. It's a must.
Until then, try to feed him with his pellets mixed with warm water, add maybe a minimal amount of unsweetened apple juice just to entice the food.
I don't think you have Critical Care but if you do, you may want to force feed him with that.

Now, you must get him to a vet...

If I am mistaken, anyone please correct me.

Sorry and I hope all will get better soon for your little guy. Keep us posted
I am sorry your chin is unwell - they are very good at hiding problems - to their detriment at times. :(

If your chinchilla is not eating and has a problem peeing then he needs to see a vet ASAP - today.
Is he producing droppings? Have you seen him drinking?

Where do you live? Perhaps someone here can tell you of a good chinchilla competent vet near you.
As Godins Chinchillas has said he needs to be helped with feeding and, again, this needs to be done today rather than waiting. You can buy Oxbow Critical Care from a local vet or PM Menagerie on here and she will send you some out - she sells both types (original and apple/banana to support rescue chinchillas).

Please keep us posted on his progress - good luck.
He needs a e-vet today, he can't wait until tuesday. Chins need food in the digestive system to keep it alive and healthy, without food the digestive tract will stop working and it and the chin will die. He needs feedings but he needs a vet to drain the bladder if indeed it is full due to a infection-think of yourself and how you feel when you need to go bad, that is what your chin may be feeling now so I would call your vet back and plead or post your location here and see if someone can help with a e-vet. You can't do nothing I am sorry to say, you need to take action today.
Thank you so much for everyone's quick responses!! These information HELPS and right now I guess that my boy might have urinary infection. I am going to bring my boy to an emergency vet today and I will explain everything as I and you all concern. Also I will ask vet for Critical care in case to make up my boy's loss nutritions.

Yes Claire D my boy still drink some water but not as much as before. He still producing dropping but it seems to be painful for him becacuse I see him struggling to has his urine out. I am living in TN area and will go to UT small animal clinic hospital. Hopefully a vet there will be a good one. The other local small animal vets are out of town until next week!! Except that one from UT.

I will keep updating every news of my boy. Sorry I haven't introduce his name. He called as Ice which is my most precious boy I ever have!!!

Once again, thank you so much!!
I really hate to wait for "emergency" responces - they getcha going and fall off the map!!
Good NEWS!!

I am glad that for making a right decision to bring my boy Ice to emergency!!! It actually saves his life. Thank you for everyone's concern on our situation:grouphug:

Yesterday I bought Ice to vet in emergency case, Ice looked awfully with not much movement. He stayed over night there for more check up. The results showed that Ice had a pretty large bladder stone by an unknown reason. It possibly caused from his fur rings where small crystals stick on, somehow these crystals came in his urethra and developed to be a stone. Or Ice's fur ring held his penis too long therefore his urine couldn't be push out, then a stone developed inside the urine. A actual causing is still unknown. So for every chin owners, PLEASE CHECK YOUR MALE CHINS FOR FUR RING!! I really learn an important lesson.

From last night till this morning the vet gives him pain killer, antibiotic and a lot of liquid to flush his toxin out - yes his toxin level is VERY HING. A regular chinchilla's BUN should stay belown than 30, but Ice had 105 and it almost killed him!!! Any chins has the BUN level over 80 cause them refuse to eat. Last night his health condition was unble to make a surgery. The vet even suggested that if Ice couldn't improve his condition until the morning, then I had to think about put him in sleep - that was a horrible experience for me!!!! However, praise the Lord!! He answered my prayer.... Ice is improving after the vet helping him through flushing his toxin out by draining from a needle - it is painful for chin and it could damage the bladder if has done too many times.

This afternoon Ice has a bladder stone removeal surgery and it goes well. Right now he will eat some but still need to keep eyes on him for drinking water.... So far he is a little brave guy!!! A strong fighter that I ever know!!! It is possible for me to pick Ice up by tomorrow or Sunday morning. It will depen on his health condition. I am so relief right now.... although I have to face up $1000 bill later.:tissue:

Thanks so much for everything:)
The Lord Jesue is real and the living God!!!
Well, the suvivor part is a good thing, although that bill isn't!
Wish these little critters had another way to tell us somethings wrong, earlier than when its just about too late!!
Good luck with him!!
I am soooooo happy for you dominachan that things have turned out fine for Ice. Make sure your vet explains in detail what you need to do at home for feed and medication. If need be, have them show you how.

Keep up posted once he's home.
Make sure you come home with Critical care and pain medication, you will need to hand feed more than likely. Chins seem to do well with this kind of surgery so crossing fingers for you and your chin.