Help me to care for newborn chins

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Jun 14, 2010
I have an adult female chinchilla that is 4 years old. She's always been in great health and I have never gotten her a mate. She has been easy to take care of.

A friend of mine had two chinchillas, a male, and a female. 3 days ago the female gave birth to 3 babys. 1 of them got out of the cage and died. The other 2 are still alive but now the Mother chinchilla died this morning.

The vet said they need to stay warm, be feed often, and i have to help them dispose of there waste, but I dont know what is warm enough, how much is often, and how do i help them dispose of waste and how often??

The reason I am taking the babies is because I work from home and I am the only one with the time to be able to be with them alll day.

Any advise would be helpfull
Pretty much all you need to get going on it is in that FAQ. How to keep them warm (if mom won't/can't), how to feed them, how to make them urinate and defecate. Give it a read and afterwards we'll be glad to clarify anything that didn't make sense.

I am in Tennessee. If I let me adult female try to help will she hurt them? :(
Honestly, that depends on the female. Some females are absolutely fantastic with babies, others wig out. I will say, in my experience, the majority of females are fine with other babies. I've only had maybe 3 that have wigged out and tried to hurt the kits.
The FAQ didnt say anything about helping them deficate
You need to stimulate their urethra and anus so that they eliminate. Take a cotton ball and dip it in warm water and wring it out so that it is damp (just barely dripping). Gently rub the cotton ball on their lower abdomen towards their tail. You will need to use a little bit of pressure, think mother's licking with their tongues, because that's how they do it. After going over the area a few times, you should see droplets of urine and tiny poop. There is a possibility that you won't get poop every time you stimulate them, but you should be getting some poop during a 24 hour period.