help identifying hay?

  • Thread starter DaphnesandFreddysmom
  • Start date
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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My husband's friend says that some type of hay grows wild in his yard. He said we are more than welcome to it because a farmer will come and cut it and feed it to his animals so he thought maybe our chins would like it. He doesn't know what type of hay it is since it grew wild since before he had the house and property he didn't plant it.

The guy said that it turns to a grass than a farmer comes and cuts it and brings it back for his animals. Would anyone know what type of grass grows wild and if it'd be ok for chins?
I would personally stick to hay that you know is grown for livestock. It could contain toxic plants or weeds, or thorny plants that you wouldn't necessarily recognize as such. Check out your local feed stores, hay is really reasonable there and a safer choice IMO.
well we usually do get different varieties of oxbow but I was wondering if it'd be ok. we'll stick with oxbow than.
I would also stick with your oxbow to be safe, but it would be really cool to get with a farmer and try to identify the different type of toxic weeds for chinchillas and take pictures of them and post them for us all to learn and see.