Help I don't know what this means?

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Ruby's Mom
Jun 29, 2009
Well, soetimes right before ruby goes to chew on something, i Can hear her teeth like she is chewing already, doesnt sound like shes grinding them, just chattering sort of. She is eating and drinking, peeing and pooping, but she does seem to eat more hay than pellets. Right when she chatters them, she goes and chews on either her toilet paper roll, her wood chew or her lava ledge. Could she just be excited? Thanks for your help!
My chins sometimes makes them too. But I am not wrong, chins "chatter" when they see another chin they are not familiar with, it happened to me when i was intro-ing 2 chins together. Sometimes it may seem like a show of aggression. Not really sure about it too. Anyone have any idea with this?
Burrito her in a towel, open her mouth gently with a popsickle stick, and look with a flashlight - might just have something caught in her gums, between her teeth, or a loose tooth! An inspection would be good before a vet visit, just so you know what's going on!

She is not going to be able to tell...she is too young to be inspecting a chin's mouth. If you are concerned then I would call Dr. Castro. I don't know if she does exotics or not but I know she is the closest to you.

It's completely normal for a chin to choose what they prefer to eat. I have chins that would much rather have hay than pellets. Hay should be their primary source of diet anyhow. If she is eating/drinking/pooing/peeing normally, is not drooling, losing weight or lethargic I would not worry about it. Just keep an eye on her.

On a side note, Ruby was never with another chin when I had her. She was in a cage by herself but never paired with anyone.

Oh okay thanks Jessica! I thought she was with someone before. She is acting TOTALLY normal, she only does this every once in a while. I really am not concerned about it, as she is very healthy. She hasnt done it since i posted this and that was only like the 3rd time i heard this. Thank you guys sooo much for your help,
well i have "he's" but almost like they are chewing and then when they chatter it is exactly like when someone chatters their teeth when they are cold!
i have a chin that has malo and occasionally grinds his teeth and that is something comepletly different.
Ya! Thats exatly what it sounds like (not the one with malo) It does sound like they are cold!