Help! Doesn't eat hay!

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2010
My chin doesn't eat hay at all I have tried two diff brands. Omg. He doesn't even chew. I have seen him chew only once or twice and that's it. That my second chin the one that I just adopted!!!!! The weak boy gremlin. The last time I went to the vet and that checked him he was ok. And he doesn't even jump up too. He only jumps around.
But he eats a lot of his mazuri pellets.
Buddy didn't eat much of his loose hay. I switched him to hay cubes and he goes crazy with them. You said you just adopted this chin? Did you keep him on the hay that you had him on? When did you adopt him?
I did have some rescues here who hadn't had any hay for 7 years. They didn't start eating much here either. Their new family gives them botanical hay, it smells really good and they chew a bit on it. But not much. I find it difficult to have chins like hay when they're not used to it. As long as it is not due to teeth problem, the only thing you can do is try different types and brands. HAve you tried timothy, orchard, oat and botanical? Some brands also have organic hay also, like Oxbow. Was it fresh and good hay? Some brands just have no good hay, moist or too old.
The one Iam currently giving is Timothy hay wheatgrass. Well I have not seen him take it to chew even just a bit. He might have but as far as Ian concern he hasn't been. And he doesn't even chew anything. My opinion is maybe he hasn't has it before.
try different varieties & brands. some times its trial & error. maybe if you mix in a little alfalfa with the timothy, he will start to nibble.

i have some HUGE hay eaters and they eat very little pellet. i have some who love their pellet and hardly touch hay and of course there are a couple that partake in a little of each! also, i like to mix it up & toss in a hay cube every now & again. they are usually a blend of hays, so it gives them some additional variety.
What's normall the nicest hay or most recommended? As Timothy hay they have also got diff kinds. Any recommendation. What does most of ya chins prefer?
Mine prefer timothy over orchard, but when I give occasionnal alfalfa they jump on it. I give botanical as a treat and they also love it.