It really does help to see a doctor, maybe even a specialist. I have severe asthma and allergies, my pulmonologist said my lungs work at 80% (while on all medications) so I really can't afford to be wheezing all day. It took many tries with different combos of medicines, but we finally found a combo that works pretty good. I'm happy anyway. Now I'm on Zyrtec, the generic for Flonase, Advair, and albuterol when I need it, and between all of this, I can stay around the chins for a reasonable amount of time each day. I still do need to get an air purifier down there, because if I forget to take my Advair in the morning, I can't spend 5 mins near the chins without an asthma attack.
I used to have an air purifier with an ionizer... my doctor actually told me to get rid of it. He said that the ionizer emits ozone, which is bad for people with asthma. I've since read that somewhere in some health magazine. The amazing thing was that once I got rid of the ionizer, I was significantly less miserable (that was before I had my herd of chins though, I only had a few then). I would never have guessed that that was aggravating my conditions so much.
For awhile I was actually doing ok regarding the watery eyes and sneezing... but I could never breathe through my nose, I was always stuffed up. For me, the answer was the generic Flonase - and I did have to try several others, because nasal sprays like that really depend on the PH of your body to work... several I tried just made me sneeze and sneeze and sneeze... and if you're always stuffed up, at least for me, the nasal spray really does the trick. It takes awhile for them to kick in, but once they do, it's like *breathes* ahhhh I can breathe in through my nose! LOL.
With the dust, though, blue sparkle doesn't kill me too bad, but when it's show season (like now) and we're using blue cloud, I HAVE to use one of those surgical masks if I'm down there and they're dusting. I'm actually considering getting one of those masks with those changeable filters because the blue cloud makes me hack for days.
... but using all of this stuff, I'm doing pretty good and can still have the chins, so I'm happy *thumbs up*