HELP! ? About Army ACU Wear

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Tomorrow is my first day wearing my ACU (I'm doing Army ROTC) and they didn't really explain much about wearing the uniform when I received it. I think I've got it pretty much figured out but I'm not sure about the belt.

When wearing the belt, which way does the end (after its through the buckle) go? Left or right?
My daughter is in NJROTC. The tip of the buckle faces the left. I imagine it's the same for everyone. Don't forget to remove the clear coating on the buckle :)
Me thinks you will be doing extra PT real soon... LOL
I am guessing you are chancing that Achilles strain???
Me thinks you will be doing extra PT real soon... LOL
I am guessing you are chancing that Achilles strain???

Oh I am sure I'll be doing extra PT real soon! Normal PT starts Monday and is M/W/F...
And *sigh* yes I am... It ended up being bursitis (basically inflamation around it) and so I took some time off running but was given the OK to do PT since it felt completely normal when I restarted running after some time off.
The end of the belt is supposed to go to the right for girls ("away from the heart") according to my friends in Navy and Marine Corps ROTC. For guys it is supposed to go to the left. I didn't get called out on it so I assume they were correct.
Are the female and male shirts buttoned the same way? Most female shirts button the opposite of male shirts - because men used to be dressed by the females so the buttons then always were buttoned the same way. I would assume that since your belt is supposed to be in the opposite direction that you will find that your shirt buttons in the opposite direction.

I know my uniform shirt buttons opposite of my male counter parts. Mostly because I can't use the male tie clip - the state of ME ends up upside down! I had to get a female tie clip for formal functions from our uniform people.
Are the female and male shirts buttoned the same way? Most female shirts button the opposite of male shirts - because men used to be dressed by the females so the buttons then always were buttoned the same way. I would assume that since your belt is supposed to be in the opposite direction that you will find that your shirt buttons in the opposite direction.

I know my uniform shirt buttons opposite of my male counter parts. Mostly because I can't use the male tie clip - the state of ME ends up upside down! I had to get a female tie clip for formal functions from our uniform people.

I'm not sure actually... our ACU's are zip-up and then velcro-ed over top. Actually, I think our ACU's are the same for both males and females. I don't think we have 'male' and 'female' versions- just small/medium/large. The formal dress uniform is male or female specific but I don't know if it buttons differently dependinog on what sex you are.
If you follow this doctrine of separation, you are just perpetuating the West Point mentality...
And for a girl who wishes to excel in a system written for men, now would be a good time for you to learn "Equality through Deviance".

I hate to spell it out for you... But there is an old world sexism in the military that is very much alive and well. Every female commander I know, that successfully moved up in rank will tell you they had to contest every lopsided order, and work twice as hard to prove their worth.

Besides... LOL Were talking about ACU/BDU not dress uniform... They dont see your belt outside of inspection.

Although it seems small, it is just one more way for them to segregate you, and later declare you "Unfit to Command".
I know nothing about the difference in uniforms, not in the military. Mine is an LEO uniform. We have the same shirt and boots dress and non dress, just different pants. We get one pair of boots to shine, and another to wear in the field since polish is flammable (combo LEO and wildland firefighter position). Personally never had a problem being a female in my job, but my predecessors did a good job at showing that we can do the job just as well. Actually pregnant right now with my second kiddo. Having all male supervisors actually makes it very easy. I just explain what I can/can't do and they make the accomodations, no fighting, barely any notes. My doctors note states that on feb. 1st I go on light duty. My supervisor and I will discuss what that actually means. Last time it worked out well, so I am not forseeing any issues this time. They even allowed me extended leave after birth by allowing me to use my vacation and sick leave as if I was on reduced work week so I didn't loose my benefits!