HELP!! 3 new kits

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I would put dad in with the male kits and then mom in with the female kits. The mom will wean herself from them.
Kudos to you for taking such great care of your unexpected babies and Mom and Dad! Give yourself a huge pat on the back! :clap1:
Why is mom with dad? They should not have been together. If these are rescues then they should be treated as rescues and not as breeders. You really really need to seperate them.

"I'm going to tell you a story about a veterinarian and I say that loosely because he lacks ethics IMO and a vet tech who took in rescues from craigslist knowing full well they were male and female. They did not seperate them because they wanted cute little kits. First litter of triplets-all died, 2nd litter of triplets-2 survived, 3rd litter of triplets-2 survived all within 1 yr. 1 yr this veterinarian did not seperate them and she had breedback after breedback. Do you really want that? Do you really want to run down the female? I saw this female-she looks like crap! She has white teeth and is very skinny. You need to ask yourself what is worse-a little depression that is easily fixable or a female that is run down and hard to get back into shape.

I'm sorry but this is being irresponsible.
if you dont want anymore surprises leave mother and father seperated...I changed my post due to the dates on your earlier bad...
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Why put a chinchilla through surgery when they can be separated with no problem, put male kits with Dad, female kits with Mom. The OP is selling the kits so I guess that was not a option.
The reason they are back together is they were not seperated in time for to avoid a second pregnancy and we have limited cages and space. I have been counting the day and kepping them seperated when it matters. Also Dad will not tolerate just being alone with the male kit, he chases him around the cage trying to mate and was starting to bite and pull at his fur. Dad is over six or seven years old the best we can figure and from what I've read too old for the surgery and these are not my animals remember, I'm just an old biker on disability with no budget for Chinchilla surgery.

So for now Mom & Dad are in a cage, the male kit is in a cage, and the two female kits are in a cage and all the cages are in the livingroom of my house so I have to vacuum and dust daily and it's getting really old quick.

I've gotten 2 inquiries about the kits and both seem like they are innocent or they don't have a great volume of knowledge about Chinchillas but they both are new members with only one post each. Is there something going on here that I should know about or is it just folks searching for kits. I tried to check their profiles and one stated in a post that no one wanted to sell them animals, I find that strange with breeders and accidents everywhere or am I just paranoid?
If you have no budget for chinchilla surgery, then you must have no budget for vet care? Why do you have these chins of you don't seem to like them and why are you making more by keeping Mom and Dad together?
Why not contact a rescue and give them the chinchillas? That would save you 1. More babies on your hands (which will keep happening) 2. Cages out of your living room 3. No more financial strain

I'm sure if there aren't rescues available in your area, someone knowledgeable would step up from here. At least they would be in good hands and not the problem they are turning into.
Personally I would of kept the girls with mom, the male kit in a separate cage, and the dad in another separate cage. That would of been the better thing to do.
I'm ok with what I'm doing, so set yourself at ease.

Here's a shot of one of the girls, she's a real cutie!

i'm not trying to be rude by saying this, but there is no need to be rude to the people that are trying to help you from having more babies..
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I'm ok with what I'm doing, so set yourself at ease.

You may be ok with what you're doing - but the rest of us aren't.

Just to tackle the "you don't have money for chinchilla surgery" - so what's going to happen when mom has a problem during one of the births? We had a rescue here who came in a 5 months pregnant (oy). She gave birth fine, but the babies basically ripped their way out of her. She had to be spayed after hours at the vet, to the tune of $700. She died anyway, but the point is, we had the money and we tried to save her.

A neutering or spay during normal hours, albeit risky, would surely be less costly than that. If you can't afford that, how are you going to afford when something happens? What if, during your intros with the dad and kit, one of them had bitten a chunk out of the other? No money for that either? Chins can injure themselves, or other chins, or things can happen during pregnancy that can cause lots of expensive vet bills. But you don't have the money? How are you going to explain that to the chins when one of them is bleeding and dying and suffering?

See, I feel for the chins. We get in chins that need medical care all the time, and people often will tell us "I just can't afford it." The thing is, they RECOGNIZE that they can't afford it, and give the chins to the rescue which can (we at least have credit cards for when the cash runs out). You, on the other hand, are saying you can't afford it... but oh well! It's as if you don't care, and it's reckless to have chins, especially to have chins that are actively breeding, and say you can't afford the surgery. If you can't afford a few hundred here or there, you should definitely not be breeding chins.

If the chins don't all get along when separated, here's a thought - give some to a rescue or sell some. Forget selling the babies, let's not even talk about that - sell the Dad and the son and there won't BE any more babies for you to worry about selling.

People like you are the reason rescues dislike byb's. I can't tell you the number of times at the rescue when I've gotten in a handful of chins cause someone had mom and dad together and "couldn't separate them" and then eventually handed those two chins over, along with their 5 adult babies.

I don't understand why people find it so difficult to separate the male. Despite the god-knows number of times I've been told "they're a bonded pair and the male will die [or something else horrible will happen] without the female" - the male/female rescue pairs are ALWAYS separated when they get here and NOT ONE CHIN has yet died as a result of being separated from a male/female pair.

/end rant.
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