
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Hi there everybody, I am Sugermamas son. I am sure you have heard about my chinchilla, Bonnie(Sassy). Yeah she is my chin. But I will enjoy chatting and sharing stories with you. And I will keep yall updated about her progress.
Hello!! Welcome to the forums. We've heard a bit about Bonnie...She's lucky to have found you and your mom!
Welcome! I understand you have chins at your house that like to baptize you? (My daughter sympathsizes.)

We'll try not to let the fact that Sugarmama is your mother influence us when you post. She's kind of a pain......................

<waits for the abuse to follow>

Who, MOI?:cool:

I have no idea what you're talking about.........
Welcome to the forum.

Wouldn't Sprinkle be a more appropriate name for Bonnie? Or perhaps Shower. :p
LOL Meanie that's funny!

She can't be Sprinkle, we already have a Sprinkle. But Shower.....that's hilarious. We have a tradition of always naming our pets with names that start with an S, but Bonnie came to us with her name already, and she's just such a Bonnie. But Doug and the kids are determined to call her Sassy.
Your Mom was just telling me about Bonnie this monring in chat. I'm very glad she is now your chinchilla. You are taking very good care of her.

I think you should change her name to Sassy.. it fits her attitude.