
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
Feb 24, 2016
Hello! I'm brand new here, and excited for all the interaction and information. I came across this forum during a frantic google search in early hours of Edgar's first night here, when he woke me from a deep sleep with a scream-bark that terrified me. I flipped on the light and he sat there next to his food bowl just looking at me. He's had my heart ever since.

Edgar says hello too!
Welcome to the forum. Please continue to do lots or research, especially since I can already see some issues with the cage you have.

First you don't want any plastic, chins chew it, and if swallowed will cause a blockage. Also the wheel you have is not only plastic but too small for a chin. You want a solid metal wheel at least 14", like the silver surfer, metal flying saucer, or the chin spin.
The chin looks small too, you don't even want to give a young chin, under 6 months a wheel at all. They tend to over do it which can lead to weight loss, seizures, and death.
It could just be the angle, but the cage looks pretty small too, 2'x2'x2' is the absolute minimum size acceptable for a single chin. They are hoppers so height is more important then floor space, they should have lots of ledges and perches to hop on. A small cage is ok if it's just a temporary cage (for a month or so) until the chin is big enough for a normal size cage though.
I'm not sure what that bag looking thing in the back is, but any fabric other then fleece is not chin safe, and only if the chin doesn't eat it. Fleece doesn't unravel in strings and threads like other fabric making it safer, but if enough is eaten it can still cause a blockage.

I'm not trying to be a pain, we have all made mistakes when we first got chins. Continue to research too, chins are still relatively new in the pet world, about 40 years, so new info is coming out all the time. I know when I first got chins about 20 years ago some of the info I got back then is now considered not safe, including info I got from a breeder.

He is very cute by the way, I can't see his belly from this pic, is he a light ebony or a standard?