
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
Mar 20, 2013
I just recently adopted this darling from my friend since he had to go off to uni. She's about 7/8, and I don't have previous Chinchilla exp, so I hope this forum will help me out. C: Nice to meet you all!

Also, I'm not sure whether or not to get her a flying saucer since she hasn't used a wheel in her life.... Any thoughts?
Welcome! I'd get the flying saucer. I don't think any of us have met a chin than didn't love their wheels/saucers.
Hi and welcome! How great you could help out your friend by taking his chin! Once you learn the basics, they are pretty easy to care for.

My chin loves her flying saucer and uses it all the time. Definitely a great addition to any cage set up!