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New member
Nov 27, 2012
My name is Nicole. I have two chinchilla's: one female dark standard grey named Lily who is 12 years old, and one silver mosaic male named Roary who is 8 years old. Both are caged separately, and both have been altered. I rescued Roary 6 1/2 years ago from a bad situation. He had a broken leg that needed to be amputated. I paid for his amputation and had him neutered while he was under in the hopes that maybe my female and him could become friends without babies entering the picture. No go! My female would not have any of it! Lily just had an emergency spay in February because she developed a pyometra. She recovered very well from that. She recently had conjunctivitis which was treated, but now is having issues with gas that I'm trying to get under control with medication from her vet. They are both spoiled rotten with more toys and fleece items than they know what to do with. I can't imagine life without them!
Welcome to CnH. :)

What are you treating Lily with? Are you using Mylicon drops?
Hi and welcome! Sounds like you had a bit of a rough start with your chins, but happy to hear they are both doing very well now and are properly spoiled! :)
Thanks! Lily is hospitalized right now at her regular vet. I knew something was wrong on Sunday night when she was chewing at her abdomen. He regular vet is part time and was not available on Monday so I took her to another exotic vet to have her seen. He quickly passed it off as gas and was having me put injectable Baytril in her water...which didn't seem like a great idea to me....and it wasn't. She didn't eat or drink all day yesterday or overnight. So I made an appointment with her regular vet, who was available today. She did an ultrasound and suspects enteritis. She has Lily on oral Baytril, probiotics, and critical care. She is staying in the hospital until Thursday morning, both so the vet can monitor her and because I have to midterms this week and I need to study and get plenty of sleep. This way she's in good hands and getting fed critical care as often as she needs. I've had her for 12 years...since age was 3 months old and this is the 1st year she's ever had health problems.
It's good that your regular vet is trustworthy. At least now you know not to waste your money on the other vet again. Hopefully she'll be better soon, and good luck with your midterms.