Hi everyone! This is such a great forum and so immensely helpful. Been reading it for years (since the days of chins-n-quills) but have only now decided to become a member. 
I'm mommy to Sherry, a standard gray who came to me (via a friend who had bred her) when she was just three months old; she's now 10! Sherry's twin, Sarah (also a standard), gradually developed cataracts in both eyes and died when she was eight yrs old. Both girls were never bred and lived happily with their mom - my Shasha who suddenly collapsed and died when she was 11 yrs old (she was a perfectly healthy chin so I choose to believe that she passed away because she missed her daughter; she died just a few months after Sarah's passing). RIP, my darling Shasha and Sarah. Mommy misses you both every day.
Now, ten years after getting my three girls, I'll be welcoming new chins to my home! Shana is a 9-month-old mosaic and Asher a 7-month-old dark tan; both are gorgeous and from good lines (although the breeder did warn me that Shana's parents are rather temperamental, LOL). They have been living in adjoining cages and I will get them as soon as the breeder pairs them successfully. I'm so excited! Hopefully my 10-year-old Sherry will not freak out and give them the evil eye when she eventually gets to see them. Sherry will of course remain the only chin in her six-level cage until the day she leaves me to join her mom and twin in chinny paradise.
By the way, a question if that's okay. I swear by the Kline diet (pellets and supplements) and have always fed my chins that. Shana and Asher are on Oxbow and ideally I would like to transition them to Kline (doing it very slowly, perhaps over 1-2 months). Is that advisable, though, given that the supply of Kline is getting increasingly uncertain? Should I just stick to Oxbow for my new chins? I do really love Kline and what it has done for my chins' health and fur!
I'm mommy to Sherry, a standard gray who came to me (via a friend who had bred her) when she was just three months old; she's now 10! Sherry's twin, Sarah (also a standard), gradually developed cataracts in both eyes and died when she was eight yrs old. Both girls were never bred and lived happily with their mom - my Shasha who suddenly collapsed and died when she was 11 yrs old (she was a perfectly healthy chin so I choose to believe that she passed away because she missed her daughter; she died just a few months after Sarah's passing). RIP, my darling Shasha and Sarah. Mommy misses you both every day.
Now, ten years after getting my three girls, I'll be welcoming new chins to my home! Shana is a 9-month-old mosaic and Asher a 7-month-old dark tan; both are gorgeous and from good lines (although the breeder did warn me that Shana's parents are rather temperamental, LOL). They have been living in adjoining cages and I will get them as soon as the breeder pairs them successfully. I'm so excited! Hopefully my 10-year-old Sherry will not freak out and give them the evil eye when she eventually gets to see them. Sherry will of course remain the only chin in her six-level cage until the day she leaves me to join her mom and twin in chinny paradise.
By the way, a question if that's okay. I swear by the Kline diet (pellets and supplements) and have always fed my chins that. Shana and Asher are on Oxbow and ideally I would like to transition them to Kline (doing it very slowly, perhaps over 1-2 months). Is that advisable, though, given that the supply of Kline is getting increasingly uncertain? Should I just stick to Oxbow for my new chins? I do really love Kline and what it has done for my chins' health and fur!