Hello .. New chin parents here :)

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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2011
Hello everybody :) I'm Catherine and I live with my boyfriend, Avery, of almost 5 years in New Jersey, USA.

I had a cat, Muffin, that I had for almost 17 wonderful years that I recently had to put down. After that, we decided to try a new type of furry friend.

I did tons of research on chinchillas and we finally decided that we'd like to get one. We contacted several breeders in our area .. but received no replies. Finally decided to check out our local PetSmart and the chin there just called out to me. Our friend donated a huge cage that she had from a previous pet and we picked up other supplies and we were on our way home with our new friend. We decided to name him Fonzie, just because we wanted something cute and different. We've only had him 2 days so far, but he's warming up to us quite nicely.

We also have a 55 gallon fish tank, a snake, a Chinese water dragon and 2 other cats. (The snake is securely locked in her cage, with no chance of escape. We triple locked it before even considering a rodent.) My one cat Bagel, is interested, yet terrified of Fonzie at the same time. My other cat, Cupcake, enjoys watching him but could really care less .. haha.

Well that's us in a nutshell, feel free to ask questions, and we hope to talk to you all on the forums soon :)
This is Fonzie, whom I believe to be a standard gray, but PetSmart obviously didn't know lol.

Thanks so much guys :) Sorry the picture quality sucks >.< that always seems to happen when I upload pics.
Hello & Welcome! Fonzie is adorable.

A word of caution...please keep your cats away from Fonzie. They can be unpredictable and can easily cause injury but they can also carry illness like pasteurella which could be fatal to a chinchilla.
Thanks everybody :)

Thanks lauralynne :) I'll well aware that cats can cause injury & illness, but I do know my kitties! I would never allow them to be unsupervised with Fonzie. But they do share my attention, so I'm not planning on separating them completely lol.
Welcome! Your intro post is so close to mine I had to smile. I also lost a very beloved cat and decided to try a new pet, and I always wanted a chinchilla. That was about a year ago. Mine is also from Petsmart, he was just a cute little blob of fur and I just had to have him!

So glad you're here! This forum is excellent and helps out so much with all your questions! I also have cats and don't keep my chin in a different room, I just keep his cage up high and there is no interaction between them that way. So it's all good!

Fonzie is a cute little boy! Have fun bonding with your new guy! Getting to know your chinchilla is a great experience! :D
Welcome to you and Fonzie! Glad to have you here! :)