Hello, I'm a new chinchilla owner.

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2012
Philadelphia, PA Area
I'm Brittany. I'm 20 years old. I got a chinchilla Sunday. I adopted him as a rescue. I was lucky that the breeder from NJ, who I got him from, led me in the right direction with her knowledge and to this site.

His original was Lance. I wanted to name him Benedict but he doesn't seem to like it. He likes Benny better, he comes to that the most. He's about a year old. He's still a little skittish but I know it will change in time. He's coming around faster than I thought he would. When I am talking to him and he runs in his hidie hole, I will say "Where you go?" and he will pop his head out or come to me. It's the cutest thing. I absolutely love him, I'm so happy I found him. I can already tell he's going to be spoiled.

He will only let me take photos of him on this side. He moves every time, I try to take a picture of him from a different angle. That must be what he thinks is his good side. :thumbsup: but i don't know how he can choose a side when he's soo cute ;)
Welcome! It's great to have you. Congrats on Benny. Your ride should go smoother than many having found good information first rather than years or months later.
Welcome:).He's soo cute. I also got a chin a day after Christmas. My mom say's there "her" chinchilla's but i tell her there mine even tho she calls them hers. I have 2 1's name is peanut nd the other is mousey i love them! Me and my mom let them play outside there cage they run nd jump then they start to crawl all over you. When i let them out they start to squeak a lot nd talk to each other. Chinchilla's are adorable but they don't seem to like to get held or cuddled. Hope you have fun with ur chin. He's soo cute!
Celebrity and welCome to the site. I am new too. I think it is wonderful that you rescued a chin. I read a little bit about them before I got mine that they are way way way more work than you think. they need a lot of love and attention, but their love and companionship is worth it. I just wished they would cuddle a little bit more. They crawl over me and cuddle with me a little bit but I mean I want them to really really cuddle and let me pet them for an hour like my lazy cat does,lol. I heard a lot of chins don't like held and cuddled a lot,but at least mine put up with it a
little. They still just like to play a lot. probably because they are still young. sorry for talking so much I just like talking about my chins, but I really wanted to welcome you.
Welcome to the site too. :) Ohh its okay. i talk about benny all day long.
my friends probably get sick of me talking about him. so this site is nice.
Benny is still a little skiddish with me holding him but I just have to give him time.