My name is felicity, i am 17 and am a student at dundee university
I own 3 beautiful Chinchillas: Oscar (5 months) who is a silky violet colour, Ebany (1 year) who is ebany (haha) and looks like she has a beard, and Pippa (10 months) how is white and grey mosaic. We did own another but he passed away last year due to shock
I love them very much and when i get the hang of this website will post some pictures on
I heard about this website through Yahoo answer because i am having bit of a problem with Pippa but she should be okay soon. Am looking forward to joining this community and learning more about chinchillas and hearing your stories/problems everyday
Speak soon
Flick x
My name is felicity, i am 17 and am a student at dundee university
I own 3 beautiful Chinchillas: Oscar (5 months) who is a silky violet colour, Ebany (1 year) who is ebany (haha) and looks like she has a beard, and Pippa (10 months) how is white and grey mosaic. We did own another but he passed away last year due to shock
I love them very much and when i get the hang of this website will post some pictures on
I heard about this website through Yahoo answer because i am having bit of a problem with Pippa but she should be okay soon. Am looking forward to joining this community and learning more about chinchillas and hearing your stories/problems everyday
Speak soon
Flick x