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Jul 25, 2015
Hello there. I am new to chins, in fact so new that mine are not even home yet lol. I have had hedgies for about 20 years although right now our home is without one. Looking for info and advice as I take on a new and exciting challenge.
I'm learning as well. The problem is so many sites tell you things, only to find out they are wrong, which is why I joined this site. Do you have a cage already? I made my own. Have you looked up which shaving to use? some are bad. I don't use shaving because I have a wire-mesh floor for her. Timothy hay, and pellet food is a must. Chew blocks, and eating the hay will help file down their teeth. their teeth constantly grow, and can have health problems down the road if not kept in check. Careful buying food, some like to put corn and fruits and veggies in there, which I was told is not so good. Makes ya wonder why the company put it in the bag in the first place? Rose hips, or shredded wheat, every other day is good, just 1, as a treat. Some sites say you can give raisins, but learned here that fruit is not so good for them. They have a sensitive digestive tract. btw, they poop like 200 times a day on average, easy. I give my chin 2 dust baths a week, too many dust baths can lead to dry skin. Make sure to buy dust that has no glass in it, or sand, it can cut them. I use blue cloud dust. Make sure not to get them wet, can cause health problem, like fungus. And don't let them overheat. keep the room at a cool temp. Chinchillas don't sweat like us, so fans don't help. If their ears get red, means they are overheated. Buy a chin-chiller-stone, it keeps a natural below room temp, and you can put it in the frig. for a bit. Also for hay, buying hay cubes is easier to deal with. They love to throw loose hay everywhere and waste it. How many are you getting? and how old? btw, every time I see a hedgehog vid on youtube, I die, and want one. haha.

I just have the one chin. if you're getting 2, or 3, good luck, lol. Keeping up with cleaning her cage 3x a week is hectic, so I can't imagine having triple that. 1 more thing, if the chins are not familiar with one another, you're going to want to introduce them slowly. You can house same sex, but if its 2 boys and a girl, or vice versa... they will fight. I heard that chins and hedgies shouldn't play together. chins like to jump on pets, and each other. Good luck. post some pics, when you get them. Cheers.
Thank you for all the info. Yes I have found so much contradicting information I figured it was best to just come to one source. Like I said, I have been researching for awhile now since we have talked off and on for a few yours about adopting a chin. This situation we are in now just kind of fell into our laps so I am in a rush to get as much info as I can as fast as I can.

I began with hedgies when I was 15 and have adored them. I never bred, my sister did without much success. My kids even became obsessed with them lol. They can be the sweetest, most fun loving pet, well I am biased lol. I love my pugs, my fish, my well everything lol.