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Hi recently adopted an adorable 11 week old chinnie . Hes a beautiful mosaic

He is extremely friendly and curious . He comes to the cage door when I walk by and when I open it he trys to climb on my arms and he likes to sit on my shoulder .
I have had him a week now and I think we are bonding quiet well . What kind of things do you do with your chinchillas when you take them out of the cage ?

I haven't thought of a name for him yet I was thinking Matrix I will post pictures soon
Welcome! Normally I sit on the floor with mine and watch her run around. I also set out a bunch of toys and chews for her to play with.
Hi and welcome! Your baby must be adorable...must see pics! :)

I sit on the floor with my chin and let her run around and over me. She has a maze to hide in, toys to chew on, and a tunnel to go through. They seem to keep themselves pretty entertained without too much effort on our part!
Welcome to Chins and Hedgies! You'll find a lot of great info here.

Whenever you have your chinchilla out for playtime please remember to make sure it's supervised as chinchillas have a very curious nature and always end up in trouble. They will get into anything and everything they shouldn't, lol.