hello everyone! im new here

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Sep 25, 2012
monroe, michigan
Hello everyone, i just found this fourm and thought it would be a good idea to join.
My name is Alicia, I'm a new chinchilla owner.
She's a lavender grey color and her name is pheobe haha..she's the cutest little thing. I love her. Im not sure how old she is though :/ (she was young when I got her)
I am in the process of her getting comfortable with me, is there any tips you guys could give me?

I'm all ears for anything and everything!
Thanks a bunch!
Just take baby steps. Sit outside the cage for a while, then another day, open the door. Then another day put a hand in the cage... keep with that until she sniffs and eventually allows you to scritch or touch her. After a while, you can let her crawl on your hands and scratch her as you please. At least that's how I've done it. It takes a while.

But some chins are not sociable, so it can depend on the animal too. Just be patient.
Thanks! I've been being paitent with her and been talking to her while im giving her new food water and hay. I think its just going to take lots of time and patience with her :)
She's been getting a lot better eince i first got her, ao i think its working :)
Hi there and a warm welcome to you!

Spend as much time with Pheobe as possible, next to her cage, just talking to her and socializing with her and getting her comfortable with you. If you just recently got her, she is also adjusting to her new environment, so you don't want to overwhelm her with too much at once. Treats aren't necessary for bonding, just time and patience.
Thank you! I really appreciate it :)
And yes I try to spend much time with her as possible so she can get used to me haha she's seems like she's getting comfortable with me and my boyfriend too. She always comez up and sniffs our hands or nibbles on them..sometimes she even sits on my hand for a secomd too.
I want to train her so she can jump up on my shoulder too, that would be cute hahaa
Welcome! Sounds like you are off to a great start with your little girl! Keep up the good work and you'll be posting shoulder sitting pics before you know it!