Hello, big news, and a big thank you!

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2009
Suburban Detroit
Hello everyone, good to see so many have found this place already as I think this is a golden opportunity to start a post CnQ era while maintaining the activity and visibility which made CnQ great.

For those of you who may not know me, I've been breeding chinchillas since 2000, and have been active on the forum circuit since early 2001. My focus is on quality standards for show driven by my love of genetics and husbandry.

For those of you who do know me, you also probably know that I have been on hiatus since 2006 and my animals have been in the care of the Jags ever since. So, on the topic of big news, this past sundays I took a drive up north and picked up my animals. Not many left(due to the herd being split in half, not some pandemic, don't want to give the wrong impression), and they have not been doing their job very well, BUT I now have them back here and settled into their little building. I've got 11 total, 10 standards and 1 eb, 3 males and 8 females. Luckily IMHO what I do have are nice animals, with all three males coming from my best bloodline. I plan to pick back up where I left off linebreeding that line to attempt to regain and lock in some of the traits I am after and see where it takes me. With a few more top notch outcross females eventually in the mix I think I can get there, and am excited to try.

So the only thing left now is the most important, the biggest possible thank you to the Jagielo family. Without them generously opening their barn and their time to my animals I would have nothing left to restart with, let alone a multitude of animals out of my best lines. They are great people and a true pillar of the chinchilla community I am happy to know and lucky to have right here in my home state.
Hey Jeff! I am glad you found us, and am glad to hear you finally got your animals back!
Jeff! Glad you found us!

Congrats on re-entering the chin world too! :)
Hey Jeff, glad you're here and congrats on getting the animals back!
hey jeff. great to see you back and even greater to hear you have your critters back.

does the ex have the rest of the critters? is she still doing chins???
hey Jeff Glad to hear you got your animals back.. Good luck with starting back up...
far as I know she still has the other half of the herd and some animals she got from whitewoods, but I don't know if that info is current.

hey jeff. great to see you back and even greater to hear you have your critters back.

does the ex have the rest of the critters? is she still doing chins???
So glad you got your chins back Jeff. Can't wait to see what you rebuild your herd into.
Hey Jeff glad to see you here
Congrats on getting your chins back
Glad to have you back Jeff! I cannot wait to see how awesome your herd is in the coming year!! I can only imagine how stunning your barn will look when you walk in it!