hedgies and my baby

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Hello, I am getting a hedgehog this weekend, I've always been fascinated by them. I'm also 2 months pregnant and I was wondering if it'd be okay to have a hedgehog around? Thank You.
Oh and another question, what kind of cage is better?
The fish tank or a normal hamsterlike cage.
A hedgheog shouldnt be a problem in regards to your baby, as long as you wash your hands, etc. after handling the hedgehog, cleaning it's cage, or feeding it.
A fish tank would be better then a hamster cage, as long as it is 15 gallons (at a minimum) because hedgehogs like to climb and there is a chance he/she could scale the walls of the hamster cage and then fall back to the floor, and it's not good for a hedgehog to fall just a matter of a few inches.
A fish tank would be better then a hamster cage, as long as it is 15 gallons (at a minimum) because hedgehogs like to climb and there is a chance he/she could scale the walls of the hamster cage and then fall back to the floor, and it's not good for a hedgehog to fall just a matter of a few inches.

I doubt you will find anyone on this forum that will agree with you on this. Nobody is going to recommend using a fish tank to house a hedgie.

There are plenty of cheap cages you can buy that will house a hedgie, anywhere from a Supet Pet cage to a sterilite bin. Stay away from fish tanks. I know of many, MANY people who keep their hedgies in cages with wire bars and they don't have hedgies plunging to their deaths from living in one.

Agreed on the hand washing, etc. Just like with any pet, you should wash your hands after handling them anyway.
I would go with a Sterilite bin as mentioned above or a GP cage. I have my girls in a large Marchioro cage, they have plenty of room and the plastic sides of the cage are high. I've never seen either one of them climb up the bars.

Congrats on the hedgie and the baby! :)
Size is important too. A hamster size cage is not appropriate however the ones for rabbits or guinea pigs are much more appropriate.
Is this your first baby, human one that is? If so, you might want to hold off getting a hedgehog until after the baby is born and you find out how much time you will have to devote to a hedgehog. Very often we see animals re-homed after a baby arrives because the new parents find they no longer have the time for the pet.

Although many people have cared for their hedgehogs while pregnant, whenever you are handling animal feces there is always a risk. With proper hygiene it should be fine but remember that hedgehogs do produce a lot of poop, especially babies and there is a poopy wheel to clean daily.

It's always been my opinion that nine months of pregnancy is a very short amount of time compared to a lifetime of damage that could be done to a developing baby. Personally, I would wait to get a hedgehog or any other new pet for that matter.