he was born on march 5th. its now june 4th. ive had him since april 23rd i believe. at first. he was pretty shy. but he warmed up to me really quickly. when he was in a ball. he would even let me gently unroll him. now. all he does is huff click and jump at me when i touch him. is he just finishing up his quilling? or in the middle? is this why he doesnt like me. but when i say this hedgehog doesnt like me anymore. im 100% serious. total change in attitude now from when i first got him. can mites cause a hedghehog to be grumpy? should i take him to the vet just to make sure. but he seems like a total different hedgehog =/ i really liked him at first. im trying to be patient. but now. i really dislike having him. i seriously cannot hold him anymore. i still help him every day or every couple days depending on my schedule. i know i should be holding him everyday but im 17 with a job and school. so sometimes i just cant hold him that day. but now. its like pointless to have him. i cant do anything but hold him. let him huff puff click and jump at me. or put him in his cage and watch him run on his wheel and everything at night. he has never tried to bite me or anything. when i pick him up. all he does is stay curled up and huff click and jump. ive heard that when they click, its a very bad thing and you should just give them there space. but idk what to do. he is just SO angry and really difficult to work with. why is he doing this and how do i stop it =/ i've had him for over a month. why isnt he bonded with me yet or at least trust me. in the begining he was really nice and loved coming out to explore. but now he's just angry. i seriously need help. idk what to do.
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