Hedgie Pic Please!

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Chinchilla Obsession!
Feb 2, 2009
Edmonton, Alberta
Hello people on this side of the thread!!!

I would really appreciate it if someone could post a picture of their hedgie so that I may post it on my website. Full credit will be given to you! If you have a website and you want me to put a link to it under the pic, let me know and I will do so.

I only need one - many thanks in advance!!
i believe this is different in essence. Just taking pictures (while not necessarily illegal) just isn't cool. The OP is asking for pictures that they can post on their site, and not all the people in that post may want their pictures posted.

On a side note: i'll try and get some good pictures of my hedgie for you.

Sure thanks very much!
ok I see I didn't get it that way. Feel free to take mine if you want as long as you credit me. I don't have a website yet, but I should get my hear around it sometimes.
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