Hedgehogs- fleece?

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Mar 13, 2015
I'm planning on getting a hedgehog in the future (not soon, though) and I have some questions // curiosities about fleece

~Do hedgehogs chew on fleece?// try to eat it.

~If they choose a spot to pee all the time, is it okay to place a litter pan there?

~Will they get stuck on the fleece (nails)?

Thanks so much!
I haven't had one try to eat the fleece.

Yes, you can put a litter box where they've been making messies. Of course, I've done this before... and then hedgie decided it was no longer a good place to pee anymore. *sigh* But it's worth a try!

As 3/4 of my hedgies have been wheel poopers/pee-ers, I've taken to putting down a few extra layers of fleece right in front of the wheel to catch the run off. I call those scrap pieces of fleece "wheelmats." 1/4 makes messies behind her wheel, so I put her wheelmats behind her wheel. I change the wheelmats every day.

If you get the super cheap fleece or the kind that pills, it can get stuck to their nails - particularly when they have messies on their feet. It sticks to the poop. But if you get a decent fleece and wash it before putting it in, you should be just fine.