hedgehog using litter box sometimes?

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Active member
May 4, 2011
i smoother the the liter in here litter box so if she stepped in it i would see and she did and there was new poop however theres still poop around her cage why is she using the liter box only sometimes?
Not all hedgehogs use a litterbox - mine don't. Do you put all the poop from her cage into the litter box?
I've heard it takes lots of time and patience to get a hog to use a litter box consistently. And some will never use a box :(
Good Luck!
Best of luck with yours! Mine have been inconsistent.

For a short time during her childhood, Satin used her litter box on her own. I did the thing where I used to move every single poop to her litter box. Fortunately, she got the idea. Then, one day, she started using her wheel exclusively. To this day, she's a wheel pooper. She won't poop unless she's moving.

Tex is... uh... Tex. He used to use a litter box to pee, but pointed his little rump at the walls and made poop murals. Now, mostly he uses his wheel and then tracks it EVERYWHERE. And I find logs willy-nilly. While messy, I think I prefer it to the poop murals *sigh*

Oh hedgies... gotta love 'em.
Lol its just kinda weird that she does it sometimes and sometimes not
Mine is the same. The only reason she poops in the litter box sometimes is because she happens to be in there playing when she needs to poop. Most hedgehogs will poop whenever they need to where ever they are. I think that's fairly normal, I don't know anyone with a fully trained hedgehog.
Occasionally you will get one that is very consistent. Rose is pretty consistent. While I don't use litter boxes, Rose has almost always gone in a space behind her wheel. I think she likes the privacy back there. I've had a couple of others that would go behind their wheels.
I have a little guy now that used to get it 98% of the time. And then I went on vacation with him and didnt have room for his litter box and ever since he goes all over the place. My boy Cavs has no idea what going in one spot is like. He goes EVERYWHERE!
Most of mine go on the wheel. The others will poop only on their paper towels. Of course I placed these paper towels in the spot they have chosen. This unfortunately only kind of works, because they will then run over their poop throughout the night and in the morning there are tiny poop crumbs all over their entire cage.