Hedgehog soap?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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OMG - It actually somewhat resembles a hedgehog! That has got to be a first.

Totally cute.
When I saw that you were the first reply, I thought you were gonna reprimand me! "NO POSTING CUTE THINGS", lol!

Awwww. Is it me or do hedgie people always get the cutest stuff?! I want the pencil sharpener.
Well, normally someone puts this <<<<<0000000>>>>>> and calls it a chin and everybody goes crazy over it. I scratch my head thinking - huh?

THIS actually looks like a hedgehog!
and calls it a chin and everybody goes crazy over it. I scratch my head thinking - huh?

Well I don't know what you could possibly be talking about :innocent: <<cough>> *webkinz chinchilla* <<cough>> anyway, these hedgies are cute!