heating questions

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I was just wondering about the heating issue.
Can you use a fan or a air cooler for chins or does it
have to be a air conditioner.
I stay in south africa so it gets pretty hot here sometimes.
Thanks in advance.:hmm:
You need to have a cooling unit, especially where you live. Chins do not sweat, so a fan does absolutely nothing for them except blow hot air onto them. I am unsure what an "air cooler" is, but if it's like a swamp cooler (putting moisture into extremely hot air to cool it), I honestly don't know that would work until you tried it. I know in Texas they use swamp coolers and it felt quite comfortable in the house where we stayed, but again, I don't know what the temperatures are like where you're at or what the humidity levels are. Where my brother lived in Texas it was soooo dry, that adding moisture to the air probably wouldn't adversely affect the chins.