Health/Dental Coverage

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Southern Kentucky *miles from normal*
As someone who no longer has medical coverage and now needs it, I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions.

When I had coverage before I was luck to need it once a year. Now that I don't have it, I need it a lot more. twice is the last month :/

So I'm looking for suggests on where to check for medical and dental coverage, if anyone can point me in the right direction.
Before I was married I had to get my own insurance since I was self-employed. I went through an insurance brokerage. It's a company that helps you find the right type of insurance for your situation and many times they work to find you the cheapest price for what you need.

I used to use Humana One, and had no issues with it. I paid very little per month, but then I also had a ridiculously high deductible and only one free checkup per year. But every insurance has different options, I just chose the cheapest one through them.
Have you checked through your job? Most hotels offer health insurance, though some are a limited policy (better than nothing though!).
Are you still living/considered a dependent to your parents? If they have insurance, the new health insurance law that went into effect a little while ago should allow you to still be covered by their insurance. If you're considered a dependent, you can stay on their insurance until you turn 26.
@Crysta, it isn't a brand name. It used to be when he bought it, but he changed the name of it afterwards. As far as, I know, its the only one with this name.

@Stackie, Both of my parents are disabled (Mom has MS and Dad has stuff I can't spell, lol, but has to do with his lungs) so they are on Medicaid or care or something. I had that until I turned 18, then I did again until I turned 19. Now I have nothing. But wasn't sure of that until in December when I had to have stitches. My parents got a letter on week saying I had coverage, by the next week I didn't.

Mom got something in the mail today about health coverage so she has to call about that on Monday and see if I can get that. If not, I'm going to go with the place where she gets her dental coverage, or Humana.
You should find a local insurance broker and they will be able to run plans on multiple companies and help you find the best policy for your situation.
I go to a sliding fee scale clinic, it's a beautiful newer place with wonderful Doctor's, Dentist's, staff, lab and a pharmacy. Check your area for a good clinic. There is also a Doctor in town who has reduced fees, like $30-$50 for a office visit but he doesn't bill, you must pay cash. He is very good and nice too. Maybe you have someone like him in your area?