I currently have bluegrass hay and was wondering how many times a week should it be given?
Also, I know alfalfa should only be given in moderation, why is this? What about it makes it bad to give frequently?
Alfalfa is a very rich in calcium and can cause kidney stones when overfed. Most quality pellets are alfalfa based so to give alfalfa is overkill, unless you have a pregnant or nursing chin which should be supplemented with alfalfa to boost calcium.
You should be giving hay every day. Most people feed timothy hay mainly and supplement with orchard and botanical grass if they want. I am not sure what type of hay bluegrass hay is...
I give gizzie timothy everyday, oats a few times a week , and the bluegrass i wasnt sure. I've been giving every few days but wasnt sure if I could give it to him everyday w/ the timothy.
Nutritionally, I don't think there is any difference between bluegrass and orchard grass. It's fine to give every day. I mix orchard with my timothy and my guys eat it up.