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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2009
New Jersey
Okay so tonight I bought my first bale of Timothy Hay from a farm. It looks good, smells fresh, etc. But it isn't exactly "second cut," the lady said it was first cut but softer than usual. I told her it was for chinchillas and she said it should work.. but does it make a difference with their teeth or anything if it's a little tougher than second cut hay?
I think coarse hay is necessary for proper tooth wear. Great addition to soft hays and non-abrasive pelleted diet. Pasto rey is a coarse, native chilean plant that chins eat in the wild. It's consumed throughout all seasons along with Bridgesia incisifolia, Puya berteroniana and especially when other plants are less available.

Pictures of pasto rey http://www.chileflora.com/Florachilena/FloraEnglish/HighResPages/EH0865.htm
Pictures of Bridgesia incisifolia http://www.chileflora.com/Florachilena/FloraEnglish/HighResPages/EH0890.htm
Okay great! Hopefully it should be fine for them than. But that's really neat about the hay that they consumed in the wild, thanks for showing me!