Hay Supplier Needed: Help too expensive!!

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Active member
Oct 10, 2010
Hi everyone,

Can someone help me find a loose timothy hay supplier. I live in NC and am having no luck with local hay and want at least 25lbs. The cheapest I've found surprisingly for 20lbs is 44.57 via Kleenmama. Would you pay that price? I've searched for oxbow but it's ridiculously expensive. I really need help please, anyone have any suggestions or insider information as to how I can buy some good hay and not feel cheated.

Do you have a feed supply store nearby? Or any farms? I live in "farm country" and there is a "farm supplies" section in the classified ads that sometimes advertises bales of hay for sale. Are you supplying hay to just your two chinchillas? If so, do you realize how much hay is 25 lbs?
that's what I was wondering, how many chins do you have? Where in NC do you live?
Hit up your local horse barn or feed store. All mill style feed stores sell baled hay - they keep it in the back so you don't see it. Just ask to check out the bales before you buy. You'll want 2-stringers. Those range 60-90 lbs depending on how dense they are. 3-stringers start at 100lbs. Even if you can't pick it up they'll load it for you, when you get it home just cut it open and drag out the boxes. :))
Just so you know, 25 pounds of hay is a LOT of hay... I currently have a 9 pound bale (I only have two chinnies) and it's pretty darn large, like the size of a tall trash can (but flatter). It will last me ages at least...

If I may ask, why do you need so much hay?
If you think that is expensive for hay, better start saving for vet care. That can break the bank so be prepared. A good vet is a first priority for chin ownership, right before A/C.
Timothy hay is very very hard to find in North Carolina, especially good timothy hay. There are a few locations that bring in Oxbow by the bag, such as a feed store in Chapel Hill/Carrboro that I know that carries it by 25 and 50 lbs, but they're even more expensive than the Kleenmama's. I've had really bad luck here with buying bales of hay.
I agree with Tiffany.I live in Wingate NC in the country. Down here for horses its either fescue,coastal bermuda(which is further south to get the good stuff)or alfalfa which will kill your pocketbook and your horse if not careful! I have 6 chins now and I've found that I can get the best quality online from Drs Foster and Smith. What I do is try to order my hay and any other pet supplies at one time from them.They have $5.99 flat rate shipping.When you order the big bags of Oxbow(9lb bags are perfect for my 6 guys)those bags are actually shipped direct from Oxbow so you get the really fresh stuff.The smaller bags are still good quality,but they will ship from Fosters/Smith warehouse.:thumbsup:
Okay let me back up a bit, lol. I am only going to get 2 chinchillas. And I thought that buying in bulk would be the best way to go (found some great hay bags on here). I had been looking around for the consensus as to how much hay do 2 chinchillas consume, but didn't find a clear answer ( mostly, it depends on your chinnies). So my question to those who have only 2 how much hay do you buy at a time? I don't really want to have to keep going to petsmart or petco to buy my hay as I know that they often sit, and I've had a pretty dry bag of oxbow before when I owned a guinea pig (by dry as in very hard leaves, not soft and green). I want more than 15oz-40oz at a time. I want enough to last at least 3 months at a time. So is that more like 5lbs?

A little off topic but how many lbs of pellets? Would 5 work?

Ticklechin: Thank you for your concern :) I am prepared for vet care, and I expect that to be expensive but I just didn't want to pay outrageous prices for hay if I didn't have to. I just need an idea of what everyone thinks is too expensive for hay.

threewingedfury: I know I've been trying to find hay with no luck.

So again how much hay to store for 2 chins at one time? And where? No more than 5lbs or so? Sorry for giving everyone the big eyes o_O, but I just want to have enough hay on hand where I don't have to go out every week and buy it in individual bags. Especially as cold and bad weather is soon to be approaching this winter. Thanks
On average my chins consume about a pound of hay per month and 2 pounds of pellets each. Your results may vary!

You can get the 9 pound bag of Oxbow hay from Drs. Foster & Smith and that should last you about 4 months. They also have Oxbow feed (If that is what you are going to feed)
i buy the big oxbow 9lb bags at my feed store for $25. i have 9 chinnies and that bag lasts at least a month or two. this last bag the chins have loved! hardly any waste.
i think with hay if you find a brand they like, they will waste it less and after a while you will figure out how much to give them. sometimes if mine eat all that i put out at night, i will give them a bit more in the afternoon.

my guinea pig is another story. i use hay from the southwest. i get a garbage bag full for about the same price but the chins wont always eat that. so i end i mixing or throwing a lot away. but my piggie will eat it ALL!

eta: for pellets, i buy a 50lb bag and that lasts about 2 months with 9 chins.

eta2: you could also supplement with hay cubes to extend your loose hay!
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For 2 chins, 5 lbs. of pellets should last anywhere from 2 to 3 months maybe even close to 4 months. I wouldn't get more than 5 or 10 lbs. at a time. Once you open the bag, I would say to use it in under 6 months, preferably 4 months for optimal freshness.

As far as hay is concerned, the cheapest place I bought the 9 lb. bag of Oxbow Timmy Hay was at chinchillas.com/estore for $18.99 plus $11.40 for shipping. You can also order it through drsfostersmith.com for $25.99 plus $5.99 for shipping.
I guess I just come out better with Foster/Smith cause I always end up ordering something for the dogs/cats/hamster/chins all at the same time,so I never really looked at having to order the hay by itself??:wacko: