Hay Powder?

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'No they're not bunnies'
Oct 11, 2010
baltimore, maryland
Okay so its not really 'powder' but then crushed, powdery hay thats at the bottom of the bag. Looks like crushed leaves. Does anyone know where I can buy this? I've always had problems getting my chins to eat more than 2 or 3 pieces of hay, even after trying several hays/brands, but they gobble this stuff down like theres no tomorrow! Does anybody know if they sell it just by the powder stuff? If so, where?
I don't think anyone would sell it, but you could make your own. Get a cheap coffee grinder and grind it up to how they like it. A few of my chins eat it like that, but most of the chins aren't all that excited about the tiny hay pieces.
I'm not sure that grinding hay stalks is the answer, most of what is in the bottom of the bag is chaff and leaves. I would see if you have a timothy hay dealer in your area where you can gather a big box. If not maybe post a CL ad or someone here can ship you some. Make sure it comes from good, dry, yummy smelling, weed free timmy though
I agree, the leaf shatter at the bottom of the bag is usually lower in nutritional value and is basically just fiber, its not just ground up hay. If they like that type of hay you might try oat hay straw, its fiber hay with little nutritional value, here is a link and click on the photo to see its hay "scraps".

If you put just a little bit in to a blender at a time and blend it up until it is in a powder form that should work, I do that everyonce in a while to make my chins think that they're getting some treats when really they're not. They gobble it up.