Hay Mayham!

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Whisker Kisses Addict
Nov 26, 2011
Virginia Beach
OK....these little girls are such stinkers! :crazy:They are wasting so much hay. They forage through it trying to, oh I don't know, the exact right piece for the night I guess. It ends up all over. One even throws it to the bottom of her cage, where mind you, not one of the three of them ever goes. They are penthouse girls for sure, wouldn't dream of slumming on the bottom of a cage. LOL. :neener:I have a bowl on the middle level and a hay holder (the one with the chin cut out on it, cute, but doesn't keep hay in) on the top level and in 2 seconds flat they have it all out and everywhere. I wouldn't mind if I ever caught them eating it from the floor but not gonna happen with these princesses. :hilarious:I just pick it up and throw it away. I know there are other hay boxes/holders out there, but does anyone actually have one that they use and that they think would help? It's not that hay is expensive, it's actually one of the cheapest supplies, but I just hate the waste.:wacko:
Hay waste

Yeah. Asa likes me to put in a big wad of hay so he can rummage through it and select just the right piece. Then, he eats the MIDDLE of that piece (holds it in both paws, and chomps on the middle bit), and tosses the ends. :eyeroll:

At least they're cute, right?
Yes, thank goodness they are sooo cute and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Saw a hanging wire hay ball while searching for a solution. Anyone have/try/love it or anything else?
That's what chins do! Even if you picked up a hay box that attached to the outside of the cage, they'd still pick out the pieces they don't like and leave a hefty pile for you to clean up. If that's your biggest issue, you've got it easy! :))
No wire hay ball, they can get their foot stuck while popcorning or something and hang to their deaths. I have stuffed a small lunch sack with hay and tossed it in their cage before.
Thanks for the heads up about the wire hay ball! Didn't even get to think that far ahead! Your right, Airyn, it is a pretty petty problem, like I said, hay is relatively cheap so it's not a problem just a nuisance. They are really good girls so I shouldn't complain. Just the mom in me coming out thinking of all the starving chinnies all over the world!
LOL! That is my girls too! Hay and poop all the time! They are in my bedroom and I wake up with hay and poop in my bed, they must toss it across the room at me!