Hay Holder :)

  • Thread starter burritothechinchilla
  • Start date
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Burrito never had a hay holder. So instead of buying one for a whole $10, lol, I decided to make my own! I used kiln dried pine 2x4 scraps (I am finishing my basement so we have lots of wood.) and a clothes hanger, and some thin cardboard. It is not the best looking hay holder ever but for free, it works just fine!:) It's also cost effective so what more can you ask for? I'm also planning on making my own chinspin type wheel. It will be noisier but you can't beat the price. I already got the spinning part and all i need now is to find a good metal bowl thats 15". Anyways here are some pics of my hay holder!


The paint on the metal is already coming off. You may want to use an unpainted hanger.
that is a great idea! i am going to show my fiance', since he makes all the stuff for them. he made a little hay box in their cage but they just pee in it! lol
im sure if you just sanded the hanger it would be fine and in the future just use the non painted ones. thanks for sharing!
>Yeah I'm planning on doing that next time

You may want to consider retrofitting last time's. Nifty looking box, though.
Very neat idea. I wish my boys would use a hay holder. They refuse to eat their hay if they have to "work" for it..:rolleyes2:. Jeeze, a little lazy much? I just have to leave it in a pile and hope that they eat it before Ande decides to pee in it....