NWI Chinchillas
So... little back of my friends has a horse and swears by this place that she buys her horse hay from - it's a grass hay mixture - timothy, orchard, rye, and a little alfalfa mixed in. The people selling the hay said they would give me a sample to try without purchasing a bale, but here's my concern - I have never had a problem storing the little bags of hay that you get at the pet store. We go through them so fast, they wouldn't have time to get moldy or have any issues.
Well, I just bought a digital temperature and humidity monitor for the chin room (basement). Today, the humidity was 50-51% all day (see pic taken few mins ago - top numbers are humidity, bottom are temp).
How would that affect storing a bale (approx 50 lbs) of hay? I wouldn't want to buy a bale of hay, only for it to get moldy because of high humidity. We have a dehumidifier which could be on 24/7 if needed - if the hay worked out, getting that much at once would definitely be a good thing, especially right now with all the rescues we have - but I wouldn't want to go through the trouble of getting it, only to find my storage methods (including humidity levels) would be problematic.
Any thoughts on this?
Or if I was to get a bale - any thoughts on whether it should be left baled and just pull off hay as needed, or open up the bale and put it in something to help it breathe better? Any thoughts are appreciated.
Well, I just bought a digital temperature and humidity monitor for the chin room (basement). Today, the humidity was 50-51% all day (see pic taken few mins ago - top numbers are humidity, bottom are temp).

How would that affect storing a bale (approx 50 lbs) of hay? I wouldn't want to buy a bale of hay, only for it to get moldy because of high humidity. We have a dehumidifier which could be on 24/7 if needed - if the hay worked out, getting that much at once would definitely be a good thing, especially right now with all the rescues we have - but I wouldn't want to go through the trouble of getting it, only to find my storage methods (including humidity levels) would be problematic.
Any thoughts on this?
Or if I was to get a bale - any thoughts on whether it should be left baled and just pull off hay as needed, or open up the bale and put it in something to help it breathe better? Any thoughts are appreciated.