hi, my chinchi, bounce, was sleeping on his side yesturday night. i went downstairs though and he woke up and was acting totally fine, with lots of energy.
is this normal, or is there somethingto worry about?
It took our chins 2-3 months of being with us for them to get comfortable with laying on their sides in front of us. If you haven't had your chin for too long then they might just be warming up to you? Now my Lily will let me open the cage door and scratch her with out even opening her eyes =)
my two girls do it all the time, esp. after playtime. As long as the chin moves around when you come near and are alert then I wouldn't worry. One of mine even lifts two or more legs in the air when she's in a deep sleep, it's kind of funny.
The first time you see it, it can be heart-stopping!! Even now, if I'm just walking by, I stop and check, but usually get that "what's wrong?" look! Funny critters!!