Has anyone ever ordered from Hammocky Hammocks before?

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Christina Noraas

Sep 28, 2010
Mc Grath, Minnesota
I ordered my stuff on the 9th and my item was only going to take 2 days processing before being sent out, unfortunately there are no tracking on their packages.

Any one else have any experience with them?

I'm hoping that the mail is backed up a few days just because we got hammered with snow and freezing rain. D;
I have used HH on numerous occasions - Sarah who runs it works all hours to get everything completed & shipped out on time but sometimes the mail services here are a bit of a PIA. It's worth dropping her an email if your parcel has not arrived.
I have ordered from Hammocky Hammocks before and I was satisfied. Their products are good..I had my order sent to the UK though..so..

When I ship my art etc. to people in the US it takes anywhere from 5 days-2wks..Around chrismas time everything will take a while longer to get to its destination.
Their products are extremely good, but it takes a bit to get to North America... I think mine took almost 2 weeks.
I have had things from Europe take anywhere from a week to two months.

With so many wonderful crafters/businesses here on the boards and in the US, I'm curious why you would order something from the UK. Either way, I hope you get your goodies soon!!