Happy Mother's Day/ World's most scardy chin

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Mia Bella Vita
Aug 25, 2009
First of all I'd like to wish all my fellow Chin-Mom's a Happy Mother's Day!!!

SecondlyI just had to share this funny story from last night.Keep in mind my chins are usually well adjusted to noises like vacuums etc...

Last night Gus was zooming around enjoying his playtime when someone knocked on the door. Gus froze. Looked at me. Then darted back to his cage. When he stopped running this is what I saw:



My poor baby... I've never seen him slip so bad! He stayed like that for a few moments then took a dust bath and was back to playing. :)
Sounds to me like Gus has done something bad and is expecting the chinny police to come get him and lock him up. :impatient:

Last night on TV I was watching a Mt. St. Helens documentary and the boys were both terrified and mesmerized by the booms, flashes and whooshes. They'd hide, then peek out to watch more lol
Awww. Poor Gus.

Last night on TV I was watching a Mt. St. Helens documentary and the boys were both terrified and mesmerized by the booms, flashes and whooshes. They'd hide, then peek out to watch more lol

That must have been a sight to see. :hilarious:
A few nights ago we had a severe thunderstorm here, everyone was away from home, and when we got back, I couldn't get Kiwi to come out of her hidey hut. She even refused a dust bath for the first time ever.
bahahaha i couldnt stop laughing when i saw him! thats just too cute!

and happy chin-mothers day to everyone as well!