Happy 4th of July!

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Socially inept
Jan 29, 2009
North Idaho
I hope you are all off work today, my husband has to work but I have my son. It's just after midnight and I am baking a rack of pork ribs for this evening, too hot to bake during the day. We live 2 miles west of Silverwood amusement park which will have a big fireworks display. This is the first year we couldn't afford season passes but it doesn't matter because lots of people park on this dirt road and watch the fireworks. I do miss going to their cool waterpark, so I guess we'll be going old school, yep that's right, swimming in the lake :thumbsup: We also got a new kitten a week ago, his name is Dusty. He is gray with 4 white paws and a bib. We just love him, he is going to be huge, fat and lazy I think.
Well I hope you have a fun Holiday! What are your plans?
Yes, Happy 4th of July to everyone and their chins! I am working til 7pm but I have a fun evening planned after work :) Have a safe and happy holiday!!
Happy 4th everyone! We used to go to Naval Academy every year to watch fireworks, but this year is the first year I have my chinnies and a new dog, so I'd better stay home with them just in case the neighborhood fireworks spook them too much(Nemo the golden was barking like crazy the last few days cuz neighborhood fireworks *_* and chinnies jumped on wheel ran like crazy...), hubby and 2 kids will go without me, but that's alright, I get to spend more time with them. Home Alone tonight~ Yah~ LOL
I am "babysitting" my 96 year old auntie today-its my turn! But I am off for the fireworks tonight at the Yankee Minor team stadium!! Hey Newchinmom, when I visit my sister on the 4th we too see the fireworks by the Naval Academy/ We try to stand on the bridge-I like to look down on all the boats with their lights and decorations. Sooooooo beautiful.
Just got back from our town's parade, it drizzled a little but nod bad. This was the first year that my daughter marched with her soon to be junior high band. It was very emotional, they sounded sooo good, what a huge difference from when she started in band in the 4th grade. Now my hubby and I are off to summerfest in Milwaukee! Happy 4th of July everyone! :))
Happy 4th everyone!

We go to hubbies uncle's to swim, bbq, more swimming then fireworks. They all get into it so much, they have a license to get the big ones so they do their own "professional" display. The girls and I keep an eye on the kids since the men are too busy acting like 5 year olds to pay attention to what's going on around them ;p
Happy 4th everyone!

It is going to be about 80 today, so what a wonderful day for fireworks! It has a habit of being overcast or rainy most 4th's, so today is perfect. My hubby has worked graveyard the last 2 or 3 4th's, and today he has a dayshift! So, when he gets home, the kids and him are off to the reservation to buy more fireworks, and we get to celebrate as a family. Usually it is just the kids and me. So no rain, hubby home, what more could you want?!