Happy "30+17" Birthday Laurie (Lan63)

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OMG Susan you are such a hag LOL! And NO no one sent me chocolate! What the flip????! Stewart got me Switchfoot's Hello Hurricane--poor Brucie we'll be listening to that all night at work! Sandi got me a gift certicate to Camphor Chins! Is she the best friend or what????!!! Alli threw in the shipping for a gift and then wanted to know what to send. I said you know what my crew likes LOL! And sent a nice box of stuff for the chin gang! Thanks you guys!
Happy Birthday Laurie! I hope you have a fantastic day!

PS if you wouldve given me your number I could've called/texted instead of waiting for a free second to come on here.. LOL

Just when you try to pretend nothing's happened and you're really just the same as you always were you look at your CnH info and yep there it is--another year tacked on to your age LOL!