hanging food bowls?

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to many chin chips??
Sep 15, 2009
picayune, Ms
i had a site or someones site on here that had metal food bowls that hung on the inside of the cage and i cant find them anymore our computer had crashed and its been so long that i dont remember the site. help would be greatly appreciated!!
The ones I have, heavy S.S. bowls with the round hangars, I've seen in the bird section at the pet shop - hope that'll help!
Not sure what ones they have, but they are probably coop cups, and you might want to check ebay, might be cheaper!
Sarah from Quality Mutation Chinchillas sells them on her website. I think they are 1.00 for the 5oz.

Her name on here is rcr. Sorry! Almost forgot to put that!
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I lied... They are 3.95, guess I should have checked for sure! But she is quick with shipping and does have lots to choose from.