Hammock Question?

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'No they're not bunnies'
Oct 11, 2010
baltimore, maryland
I just made each of my boys a fleece hammock. Nothing fancy, just something to test out, until I purchase good ones. The hammocks have been hanging in their cage for about 3 or 4 days now, but they really don't seem to know what to do with them. Beebo will nibble on his a bit or jump through it like its a ring of fire, but he never just gets in and snuggles up! :( Bentleys hopped in his a few times, but he'll be off balance and start to wiggle and then hop out. I've even seen him use it as a trampoline when ricocheting off the cage walls. I've tried placing them in the hammock many times, but they just hop right out. They always sleep on the hard ledges so I figured a cozy fleece hammock would be nicer for naps, but they want nothing to do with it and just plop on the hard ground. Any tips on getting them to realize what its for?
hmm. I have kind of that same issue, my kids will sit in them for short periods of time, but i always see them sleep on the wood ledges too. I think i've caught them one time sleeping in it. All i can do is assume/hope they sleep in them when im not looking. If it's only been 3 or 4 days, give it a little more time. Sometimes they don't trust their footing in hammocks right away because its not solid like wood and kind of moves around under them.

I guess just make sure they are taught enough, not super slouchy, this might help them feel safer in them. Otherwise, they might just prefer wood to sleep on:rolleyes:
3-4 days is not enough time for chins to really "learn" how to use a hammock. Some of mine have taken weeks or even months to figure them out. Make sure the hammock is close to a ledge so that they can easily climb into it. A lot of the time, the chins won't sleep in the hammocks in front of you and will get out of them when they hear you coming.
I have had a hammock hanging in my cage for about 6 months and one of my chinchillas just started using it a few days ago. My other one still prefers the tube. It is all preference and them finding it comfortable at the right time.
You could also try getting a hanging CUBE. Many people offer them. I got mine from jenscustomcrafts.com (she makes things for all small animals, and makes chinchilla safe items).

My chin tends to enjoy the cube more because i think it provides less swinging action, and then there are the walls as well which make him feel more secure. :)
Not all chins like hammocks. Mine will sometimes get into hers. I've even left her a twig in it and found her with her bum on the ledge and upper body in the hammock. Give them time. Lot's of time.
I got my chin almost a year ago and she came with a hammock she hardly ever used. then I made her a new one a while back and she will sit in it every once in while and watch tv. LOL But thats about it. she has never slept in it
Like others have said, it depends on the chin. Zim never liked hammocks. I find poop in Jemma's from time to time so I know she gets in it, but never when I'm around to see her. Atlas loves his. And little Ninja got in his almost immediately as well.
I've had a baby boy chin for a month now. He just started lounging in his hammock the other day. Now he's always in it!!
I got Poppy a hammock last week and she's pretty much ignored it so far but this morning I notice there were about 5 or 6 poops in it so I guess she's been in it overnight.