Hair loss *pic attached*

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Hi CnH friends...
Hoping i can get some advice again :)

I was check Charlie ... well almost everyday lol... I really don't htink it was flies he had as NO ONE has been bitten since :) I guess his little scratch moments are just him being him - or is it??

I was blowing on his skin today and found a large batch of hair missing. I've been reading many links on the site and I'm glad to say he has pretty skin showing (not red, scabbie or anything else to make me think ringworm). *pic att'd

I was also blowing another area and it seems he has a skin tag? maybe?? it hasn't changed so i have been concerned.

No I didn't get him from a breeder, just from a really nice animal lover that opened her first pet store *pls don't get mad at me! :(... any ways she said he came to the store from a nice family and with even a ball he liked to play with. He's apparently 1yrs old ... but from reading on the site there is no way to verify that.

He seems very happy and gets plenty of excerise and love. I'm kind of wondering if this could be stress related as i had a friends daughter spending time with us this past wk and her and my daughter (Charlie's mom) were handling him *which i did put a stop to!

I'll keep my eyes searching... but just wanted some reassurance or suggestions.

Thank you in advance,

OH.. and seems there are few different types of chins out there... can you tell from the hair colour you are seeing here what type we have? :) *thanks again :)


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Looks like your little guy has slipped a plug of fur. I've had it happen to one of my girls while I was grooming her, she just flipped out and out came a huge plug above her tail. It'll take some time to grow back in - probably 2-3 months, could be even longer.

The photo isn't really clear but it looks like you have a standard to me.
Looks like a fur slip to me too. Could happen in a spot like that from being held wrong, like if she was struggling to get away. They slip their fur as a defense mechanism, or sometimes it happens if they run into things and the fur gets caught. It will regrow.

And I agree, the picture is pretty dark, but it looks like a standard grey to me.
It looks like a fur slip to me also. The fur in that spot will eventually grow back.

While the picture is dark, I agree, your chin is a standard gray. You can tell by the underfur, bar color, and veiling tip that is visible in the slipped area... as well as the overall fur color.
I agree, it does look like he slipped a HUGE patch of fur there! Watch it closely over the next week. If he loses more around that patch, it probably is fungus and in that case just post again and you will get lots of good advice on how to fix it.

I go with him being a standard for his color as well.

But, I must come no pictures of his little face? :D When the fur grows back and he's a little less self conscious, you are going to have to get some pictures of his little face so we can see more of him!
Aww, poor Charlie! I agree, that it will grow back. He looks like a standard to me also. Good luck with him!
I think it is so interesting how they slip such large chunks! Always looks like someone just shaved it off!

Anyhow, yeah it will grow back, it will just be a slow process!