hair falling out?

  • Thread starter Babyangel122985
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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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The other night during play time I noticed that one of my chinchillas is missing a large patch of hair an inch or so above her tail in the shape of a v. This bothered me because she has never pulled her hair out or fought with the other chinchilla at all so we didnt know what might have happened. Too much water on her hair in that spot somehow? Does anyone have any ideas other than fighting or Pulling her own hair out? She seems to get along with the other chin fine, they have lived together over two years. Any ideas?
Did you pick her up by the tail or in that area? Sounds like a fur slip to me. If you blow on the fur or part it, can you see skin? If so, then it's probably a fur slip.
No, I've never picked her up by the tail. We adopted both of them recently and shes still not used to me picking her up but will jump into my hands. There apears to be a hole down to the skin that is about the size of a finger tip or dime.
Perhaps she slipped some fur while in her cage. Even if she doesn't fight with the other chin, something could have happened while in the cage so that it came out.

If you can see the skin but it doesn't look dry, red or scaly than it's probably just a fur slip. If there's still some fur there but it's shorter than the rest, then she probably chewed it, or her cagemate did.
Maybe it rubbed on the bars of the cage? If it looks like healthy skin underneath I wouldn't worry about it :)), keep an eye out for chewing because it is a possibility but chances are it was a furslip or the hair got rubbed off.
Just wondering- Are fur slips particularly harmful to the chin? Besides just looking funny, is it bad if it happens?
No fur slips dont hurt 'em. Its just an evolved predator evasion technique that they still put to use every now and then!

My Rosey chews her fur on her tail as well as on her right flank. She sometimes chews her tail into a v shape lol. Despite lots of toys and nightly playouts, she still does it. Some chinnies just do... there's some evidence that it could be genetic as well as a behavioural issue...that's why fur chewers shouldnt be bred from. They're fine as pets though....they just look a lil ragged teehee!!