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Nov 4, 2012
My chinchilla has been having gut stasis for approximately 5 days. I took him to see the vet and she prescribed Metacam for pain and inflammation, Cipraside for gut motility and simethicone for gas. I've been force feeding him Critical Care for past 2 days and he's not getting any better. He's lethargic and stays in his cage all day long. I've been massaging his belly and encouraging him to exercise without much luck. What else should I do to help him?

He just pooped once and the poop was really dark and hard and skinny. Part of it is still stuck to his anus. Should I leave it there or try to pull it out?

Any help is greatly appreciated!
Also curious about what the vet said as to possible reasons he may be in stasis? If it is due to some type of infectious process he should also be on antibiotics. Were xrays done to make sure there is no blockage?
The vet just said there could be many reasons probably too many pellets and not enough hay. Vet didn't do any xrays. I'm feeding him 5cc critical care every 2 hrs.
5 cc every two hours is not near enough. Chin need at least 60 mLs of CC a day, 120 mL to maintain weight. You can break it up into several feedings but you need to shoot for at least 60 mL and more if you can get him to take it. This will get the gut full and moving and hopefully bring him out of stasis with the help of the cisapride. When the gut goes into stasis, anything in it is usually dried up and can lead to an impaction, so subQ fluids help tremedously.

Too many pellets would not send a chin into stasis...the only thing I can think of is one that is packed full of treats. What brand of pellets are you feeding? If it is a kind with treats in it, that could possibly cause it. Too many treats can cause GI upset which can ultimately lead to stasis. I would get another appointment with the vet and ask for x-rays to look for an impaction as well as get some subQ fluids in him, and definitely push more critical care.
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I hope that your chin is doing great!!
When my chin had Stasis and a digestive system that just refused to work she was put on antibiotics and probiotics. Maybe you should ask about the antibiotics like the person on a different reply said?
Also, may I add, I believe the only reason my chin is still here today was due to the amount of probiotics she was given when everyone had lost all hope...
So, another thing to think about maybe?
Which probiotic did you give your chin? The vet took x-ray and said his intestines are completely distended and very large. He has gained 200g over the past 2 days. The last step is try antibiotics but the vet didn't give us any probiotic. Is this something you can get at the drugstore?
Also, may I add, I believe the only reason my chin is still here today was due to the amount of probiotics she was given when everyone had lost all hope...
So, another thing to think about maybe?

I think the probiotics are a huge part of what turned my guy around too! I use Liquid Acidophillus... apparently it tastes good so they willing take it from a syringe or dropper!
I'm so sorry to hear you and your chin are going through this. Please keep us updated and good luck! Definitely ask about the probiotics too.