Grr. I am so tired of annoying and mean people!

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Gonna keck your butt ;)
Sep 15, 2010
Forgive me if I'm going off on a mindless rant, I am just so irritated at people's smart comments.I am really feeling down. I told myself this morning, "I am in such a good mood! Nothing is gonna ruin it!" I told this to a parts salesman and he says, "You might as well go home now!" LOL, isn't that the truth! I have dealt with inconsiderate and rude people all day. :(

It doesn't help when people hear I have chinchillas (which I love dearly like my own children) and they make smart comments like, "You know, they do make traps for those things or why don't you get rid of this pet nonsense and get married/have kids". It makes me so mad. They are kidding, but I don't appreciate it.

There is one guy in particular that is always telling me I need to get married and have kids. That I'm getting old. I am 26 years old! He has seven kids and I think to myself, "Just because you have seven brats doesn't mean I have to do the same. Chins are so much better!"

How do you guys deal with these types of people? I need to grow a backbone and stop letting these people get to me. You guys have any good things I could say, especially to this annoying guy?
I let karma take care of it. What comes around goes around. I don't let people or things bother me, life is to short.
Yeah, I know I need to calm down. It just really hurts sometimes.
I know some people can just be hurtful, and they don't even think of anyone but themselves. Karma will get them. Karma always wins :)
It's hard, I know.. I'm a vegetarian, have no kids (yet), I'm 21, and an avid animal lover. I get a lot of flack from people, even my own family. They all are just kidding like you said, but it still gets to me too. I am married and my husband can make me feel better but he's not a vegetarian so that part I'm on my own. He supports me in it but doesn't understand the difficulty I face with the issue.

Like furrylovables said, let karma take care of it. They'll get theirs ;)

I try to shut up but I am so stubborn and strong willed it's hard lol. If you get married and have kids, good for you. But if you don't, than that's just as good too. There is no "normal" or standard we should follow. My pets are my babies too. My husband and I plan on having kids later on but I will still love and cherish my fur babies just as much.

Just try to remember, they're only human and susceptible to stupidity at times.
My marriage and child bearing rule of thumb is this get married at 27--30 start having kids at 32--37. So you're still quite young for that nonsense lol!
I'm 27, no kids, not married, and have 6 fur-kids! When people ask me about having human kids I just tell them there are plenty of people pumping out babies, I don't feel the need to add to the overpopulation of the planet. It's not the nicest comment, but if they are giving me flack for NOT having kids, then they don't really deserve my nice-ness, IMO.
I'm 30, married, and have no intention of having children. I get a lot of flack about it, too. Yes, I know, I'm a woman and I'm supposed to have a maternal instinct. And I hate the people who say "Well, you still have some time", as if I'd better hurry up and get my sh*t together before my child-bearing years are gone. My husband and I raised his half-sister for the last six years. Now we want to get on with the youth that we had to put on hold to be foster parents. Thank you very much.
I was a 32 year old virgin(GASP-yes they do exist) before finding my husband and daughter(step).It depended on who/how people commented but most of the time it was "Not really any of your interest but I can't have children.I've had ovarian cancer and a hysterectomy!" Then always comes the "well why don't you adopt" Has anyone known of a middle income couple with cancer and diabetes that has suceeded in adoption without producing major dollars??
I don't have nor ever wanted kids, in fact I can't stand kids. Its none of anyones business what you do, tell them to MYOB.
before i got pregnant with my daughter nearly 8 years ago i didn't think i'd ever have kid(s) and was perfectly fine with that, and people never harped on me for not wanting to have kid(s). then i found out i was preggers and i was perfectly fine with that too (after the 'oh my god, how the heck did this happen? what am i gonna do?' phase, lol!).

people just need to mind their own beeswax!
Thanks everybody. :) Yeah, When I am good and ready, I will think about kids. If that day never comes, so be it. I'll be okay with it. I don't want to rush into something I'm not sure about, because nothing EVER good becomes of that.

It is amazing how people think they are entitled to know your business. I am in a better mood now and I do realize that life is too short to worry about these buttheads. :)
I get these comments too. Usually it's the kids comment first, which I either reply that I don't feel the need to add more humans to the world or (if I know the person a little) that I really dislike children. Sometimes I just say "My pets are my children".
Then I get the comments like "Why aren't you married?" because my bf and I have been together almost 4 years. That one is a bit more annoying to me because I get it from my parents too. I usually just glare a little and say we don't feel the need to be married. It will happen eventually, but we don't really feel any rush to do it.

Someone mentioned being vegetarian, I have been since I was very young, maybe 6 or 7. Only my closest friends and relatives know this, and it really cuts down on the ignorant comments I get.
My grandmother enjoys telling me that my chins are just rats/mice and that I need to get over my silly fantasy that pets are my children. She's particularly been voicing her opinion of the latter since Altair broke his leg. I tell her that they're my babies and she doesn't have to be around them, so she doesn't need to say anything ill of them. I know she'll never understand that since I can't have kids, they are just like them for me. So I've accepted that and moved on.
For the guy that's telling you you need to get married...I'd tell him that he needs to STFU or find you a rich, handsome, smart, funny, well endowed man for you. haha
Once you get the kids...the question then becaomes..are you still keeping the chinnies? Why? There is always people out there who disagree with you and they are very very quick to point out what they feel you are doing wrong. I just ignore them or say something outragous. Like when i was aked what wil lyou do if the baby is allergic to the chinchillas. I said there is plenty of room in the garage for the baby....I should have been obvious to them I was kidding if not oh well.
Once you get the kids...the question then becaomes..are you still keeping the chinnies? Why? There is always people out there who disagree with you and they are very very quick to point out what they feel you are doing wrong. I just ignore them or say something outragous. Like when i was aked what wil lyou do if the baby is allergic to the chinchillas. I said there is plenty of room in the garage for the baby....I should have been obvious to them I was kidding if not oh well.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, LOVE the outrageous remark!