**** Grey chin?

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Lovin' da Chinnies!
Jul 25, 2010
Kent, WA
I ran across this term today and wasn't sure if there was such a thing! Exact description of the animal is "**** Grey male with red eyes and purple specks in them".
There is no such thing as a "****" grey chin. Standard grey is the wild type in chinchillas, meaning it's the coat color that shows through when there are no mutation genes present, so no grey gene to be "homozygous" or "heterozygous".

They probably mean a **** BEIGE chinchilla since the beige gene is the only color other that produces red eyes.
I figured there wasn't such a thing as a **** grey but thought I would double check with the experts! :wink2:
I have a **** grey. He cuddles with Polo all the time!

Of these weird things people put about chins... can pink whites have green eyes?? Here is a quote from the same person "I have a female that is a pink white with darker ears and what seems to be green eyes ".
I'm thinking they have a beige as the "**** gray." I know when I first got into chins, I thought a beige was a grey as well, and I've seen others make that mistake too.

As for the green eyes... I can't say I've ever seen a chin with green eyes, but my mosiacs have blue eyes.... but even then, it's not noticeable like the way a husky has blue eyes, it's subtle... The other chins appear to have brown eyes.
That's what I thought.. man these people must be tripping out on something!! I figured I'd ask just in case I was wrong!! LOL