Green slimy poop

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
Feb 21, 2013
Hello I'm new to the forums as well as a recent owner of an 2 month old albino female hedgie, I'm still trying to help her like me. Last night and early today her poop was normal, dark brown and firm and tonight I noticed her poop was dark green and slimy. What does this mean? Can this be from being in a new home? She has eaten twice since I got her (last night)
Yes, it can be from being in a new home. The most common cause of green slimy poop is stress. Stress from moving from one home to another is very common.

I'm glad to hear she's eaten. I believe the messy poops will go away soon - the amount of time depends on the individual hedgehog. Do you best to help her adapt to her new home by figuring out a schedule and being consistent. If the poops do not improve little by little over the course of the next few days or if things get worse (like runny, watery poop), then we should re-evaluate what's going on.