grass or other options?

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2011
I have a large decorative pot and I was thinking about putting something in there so that when she was let out she could play in it or eat it but still looked good in the room at other times. So I thought of like a grass type that would be pretty but she could nibble on or just play in but I didn't think that grass would be something they could actually have. I thought herbs but I those are supposed to be given in a limited supply and I would hate to have to shoo her away from it after her eating it for a bit. SO does anyone have options?
I believe that Dawn on here gives wheat grass to her chins. I haven't tried it so perhaps she will chime in.

Otherwise I'd be hesitant to give much fresh leaves, as it may upset her digestive system.
I give wheat grass at playtime, they eat a few blades, run off and have fun, eat a few more blades...I have fed it for 10 years to all the chinchillas I have had and never had a issue with digestion issues. I know a few more people here feed it also. I would not keep it in the cage at all times.
Wheat grass, or if you get timothy hay you can throw the leftover bits in a container and they often grow. You could also stick an apple branch in there and pretend it was a dormant tree. Likely you'd have to replace it every time though. :D